Social Responsibility » Get Help & Self-Exclusion

Get Help & Self-Exclusion

All bookmakers and online operators have to comply with our policy on self-exclusion; they must assist anyone who wants to be refused service in the future.

Help and Support Resources


If you have a concern about your gambling, or if you have a family member or friend about whom you are concerned, please log on to

Gambling Therapy is a free, global online service offering practical advice and emotional support to anyone affected by problem gambling.

Gambling Therapy is part of the UK Gordon Moody Association, a charity that specialises in residential care for problem gamblers. Staff and trained counsellors from Gambling Therapy have visited Jersey a number of times; they know the local gambling sector and they understand the pressures that a minority of players may face.

The Gordon Moody Association can also be accessed by scanning the "QR" code below:


QR Code Jersey Gambling Commision



GamCare provides information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms in Great Britain and while most of their services aren't available in Jersey, they list on their website a range of support services, tools and information related to gambling harms that you can access in Jersey. Gambling harm support in Jersey - GamCare


Telephone numbers

National Gambling Helpline (Freephone)
0808 8020 133

Gordon Moody Association
01384 241 292


For general assistance and advice on debt management you can contact Citizens' Advice, and for online help visit Gambling Therapy. You may also be able to receive face-to-face assistance if you contact the Health Department or get a referral from your GP.


You can also contact the Jersey branch of Gambler's Anonymous through either - or via email on


Online Meetings

Gamblers, Family and Friends in Recovery (GFFR) is a virtual support network facilitated by Zoom meetings.

GFFR was born out of a need to support compulsive gamblers, their families and friends affected by some's gambling who were no longer able to attend face-to-face meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic.

GFFR has global reach and meetings can be accessed by using the following link:


Self Exclusion


All bookmakers have to comply with our policy on self-exclusion; they must assist anyone who wants to be refused service in the future. Anyone who wants to make a commitment to stop gambling by effectively "barring" themselves from a set of premises can do so by filling out a Self Exclusion Form (available from bookmakers). Any licensed bookmaker who does not co-operate with a self-exclusion request is in breach of their licence conditions, which would be a matter that the Commission would take very seriously.

Multi Operator Self-Exclusion Scheme (MOSES)

The MOSES service allows people to self-exclude from multiple betting shops with just one phone call. The service is telephone based. To use the service call 0800 294 2060.

For more information, visit:


GAMSTOP is a free tool that allows people to self-exclude from all GB-licensed gambling websites. It's quick, simple and easy to register.

Operators integrated with GAMSTOP are encouraged to include Jersey registered customers in their checks.

For more information, visit:



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